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First off, I want to introduce myself, tell what this little blog site will be all about, and the reason I am starting to blog. To do this, I'm going to split this first post into two parts: the first post being my introduction and the second being the reason for the blog and what it will be like. 

Without further ado, I will go ahead. My name is Kray, but I acquired the nickname "KP" by my peers when I got to college. I was raised in small town, South Dakota. I really did love it: the small town drama, driving down dirt roads on Saturday, and being able to participate in everything and anything people could get me to do. In this small town I participated in three sports: basketball, track, and cross country. I was never too great at basketball. My junior and senior years I played center on the varsity basketball team as a 6'2", 150 pound kid. It didn't go well. I was clumsy and weak, always on the floor and never able to be too effective. 

My main sports were track and cross country, and my parents raised me that way. My parents were both runners in college. Ironically, they ran at a school that is located two blocks away from the school I run for, and they were teammates with my current head coach. Anyway, my high school running career was solid, but not great. 

I was a 16:09 5k'er. It's decent, but it was not like big D1 schools were knocking at my door. I did go on a visit to South Dakota State, but I ended up loving my current school so much because of their team chemistry and team culture. I also ended up becoming a pretty decent runner here with a 14:23 5k (hoping to annihilate that in a couple weeks from now). All in all, my running career has been one of the highlights of my whole entire life. I've made great friends here, and I have made some even better memories with those friends. 

Another great thing that has come from my time at this small school has been my current fiancé. She is the sweetest person there is, and she has the biggest heart I’ve ever experienced. We are planning on getting married in the summer of 2023. We’ve had a lot of great times together, and I’m so grateful God put her in my life to experience the rest of my life with her. She is going to be a nurse, and I could not be prouder of anyone. Also, her family is great, and they will make great in-laws in the future. 

A couple more things about myself before I wrap up. I enjoy reading, writing (duh), watching movies and TV, and once in a while I get on video game kicks. I also really enjoy spending time with my family, drinking coffee, and playing cards and board games.

This blog is going to be a lot of my interests and personal stories. As I may have mentioned in my first introduction, I am an English major, and I enjoy writing. I enjoy creative writing, writing reviews, and writing about sports. This blog will be pretty much exactly that.

I will put a lot of my day to day stuff on here along with some random thoughts, but I think this will also be best used to post some of the creative writing and review writing I do. For writing reviews, I will mainly focus on TV, film, and books, but I may branch out to other things as well. For the creative writing stuff, I will do maybe some fiction stories, nonfiction stories, and maybe bits and pieces of novels I am working on. 

The main focus of this blog is to just get my writing out there. I also want people to enjoy the writing I do. If I can make even one person happy or make one person laugh from these blog posts, I'm counting that as a win. I enjoy creating, and Lord and anyone else who has seen me knows I'm not musically or artistically gifted. For that reason, I am choosing to create through my words. Thanks to whoever reads this, and I hope you keep coming back. Also, the comment section is open for you to leave comments with any suggestions/constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! 



  1. So cool. Such a great way to keep people in the loop and write your thoughts out in words.


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